Proclaim April 30 “National Therapy Animal Day”

Use this website to ask your local officials to proclaim April 30th “National Therapy Animal Day.”

Last year, cities, counties, and states across America passed proclamations declaring April 30th National Therapy Animal Day. Why? Because Pet Partners advocates asked them to!

That’s right, a simple request can generate real results that highlight the important contributions of therapy animal teams to their communities. Proclamations help educate public officials on our work, how therapy animals differ from emotional support animals, and why protecting our access is so vital.

Many of the Pet Partners advocates who requested a proclamation last year heard directly from their mayors, local council members, or legislators thanking them for reaching out and inviting them to the proclamation signing. As a result, Pet Partners established new relationships with policy makers who can help us achieve our legislative goals.

Pet Partners has made it easy to submit a personalized proclamation request. Simply use this website to answer a few questions. Your responses will be merged into a pre-written letter and sent on your behalf to local officials.

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